What is CSS Specificity?


CSS specificity is an important topic to understand if you want to get better at CSS. It is the set of rules applied to CSS selectors that determines which style is applied to an element. To understand this better, it's important we understand a related topic - Cascading in CSS .

The Cascading Nature of CSS

CSS means Cascading Style Sheets. "Cascading" means that the order the CSS rules are applied to an element matter. Ideally, if two rules are applied to the same element, the one that comes last is the one that will be used. Let's use an example to understand this.

We'll apply two classes to an element and give each class a different background-color.

<p class="style1 style2"> This is a test paragraph</p>

Here's the CSS

.style2 {
  background-color: red;

.style1 {
  background-color: yellow;

This is the result:

Notice that the style1 which comes last in the stylesheet is applied to the element. Now you may expect this to always be how CSS applies styles to element but this is not always the case. Take this next example.

<p class="style1" id="paragraph"> This is a test paragraph</p>


#paragraph {
  background-color: red;

.style1 {
  background-color: yellow;

Which style do you expect to apply to the element? The #paragraph or the .style1?

Here's the result:

Notice that the first is applied. The #paragraph is an id selector, while the style1 is a class selector. This is because cascade works with specificity to determine which values are applied to an element. So, what is CSS specifity?

CSS Specificity explained

According to MDN, Specificity is the means by which browsers decide which CSS property values are the most relevant to an element and, therefore, will be applied.

Simple put, if two CSS selectors apply to the same element, the one with higher specifity is used. That's why in our previous example, the property value of the id selector was applied because it has a higher specificity value.

So how are the specificities of selectors calculated?

The Specificity Hierarchy

Calculating the specificity values of selectors is quite tricky. One way to calculate it is to use a weight system to rank different selectors to create an hierarchy. We'll assign weights to each selector for us to better understand how each selector ranks. Let's start with the least.

Elements and Pseudo-elements

We use element selectors like a, p and div to style a selected element, while pseudo-elements like ::after and ::before are used to style specific parts of an element.

<!-- This is an element selector-->
p { 
    color: red;

<!-- This is an pseudo-element selector-->
p::before {
    color: red;

Element and pseudo-element selectors has the lowest specificity. In the specificity weight system, they have a value of 1.

Classes, Attributes and Pseudo-classes

Here are examples of classes, attributes and pseudo-classes

<!-- This is a class selector-->
.person { 
    color: red;

<!-- This is an attribute selector-->
[type="radio"] { 
    color: red;

<!-- This is a pseudo-class selector-->
:focus {
    color: red;

They have a higher specificity than element and pseudo-element selectors. In our specificity weight system, they have a value of 10.

ID Selectors

ID selectors are used to target an element using the element's ID.

<!-- This is an ID selector-->
#header {
    color: red;

ID selectors have higher specificity than classes and elements. In our specificity weight system, they have a value of 100.

Inline Styles

Inline styles are applied directly on the element in the HTML document. This is an example:

<p style="color: red">This is a paragraph</p>

Inline styles have the highest specificity. In our specificity weight system, they have a value of 1000.

Here's a summary of the weight:

Inline Styles                               - 1000
ID selectors                                -  100
Classes, Attributes and Pseudo-classes      -   10
Elements and Pseudo-elements                -    1 

Let's try to make sense of it.

The property values of selectors with a higher weight will always be applied over a selector with a lower weight. Inline styles have the highest weight and their property value override every other selector's value applied to an element. For example, if we have an element and for the same property color, there's an inline style. If the class and id selectors also have values for the same property, the inline style wins.

<p style="color: red" class="yellow" id="paragraph">This is a paragraph</p>

The stylesheet

#paragraph {
    color: green;

.yellow {
    color: yellow;

This is the result:

The same thing happens when an ID selector and class selector have values for the same property. The property value of the ID selector will apply.

Note that the weights only apply when different selectors have values for the same property.

Multiple Element Selectors

There are times when more than one selector is used to target an element. For example, for a list like this

<ul class="list">
    <li>First item</li>
    <li>Second item</li>
    <li>Third item</li>

You may target the list items like this:

.list > li { 
    color: green;


ul > li {
    color: red;

In a case where both selector are used on the same stylesheet, which style will be applied to the list items?

Let's go back to our weight system to calculate the specificity of both selectors.

For .list > li, the weight of one class selector is 10 and the weight of an element selector is 1. Combined their sum is 11.

For ul > li, the weight of one element selector is 1. There are two element selectors used so their sum is 2.

Which of the color values do you will think will be applied?

If you said the color of the .list>li selector will be applied, you got it right. It has a higher specificity value than the other selector.

Let's try another example. Given this element:

<div class="first-block" id="div-1"> 
    <div class="second-block" id="div-2">
        <p class="text" id="paragraph">This is a paragraph</p>

and these styles

#div-1 > .second-block > .text {
    color: blue

.first-block > #div-2 > #paragraph {
    color: red

Try to calculate the specificity and guess which color value will apply.

This is the result:

Let's use our weight system to understand why the color value of the second selector is applied.

For #div-1 > .second-block > .text, we have one ID selector and two class selectors. The sum of their weights is 100 + 10 + 10 = 120.

For .first-block > #div-2 > #paragraph, we have one class selector and two ID selectors. The sum of their weights is 10 + 100 + 100 = 210.

That's why the value of latter selector is used.

You can try this example on your own to be sure that you get a hang of it.

<div class="first-block" id="div1">
    <ul class="first-list" id="list1">
        <li class="first-list-item" id="listItem1">First 
            <span class="first-span" id="span1">item</span>

Which color will be applied to the span if the following styles are in the stylesheet?

div#div1 > .first-list > #list-item > span {
    color: red;

#list > #list-item > #span {
    color: purple;

#div1 > #list > .first-list-item > .first-span {
    color: light-blue;

Try to calculate the specifity and compare it with the result you get when you run the code.

Before we conclude this article, there are some important points to note.

Important Points about CSS Specificity

  1. The weight assigned to a selector just gives us an idea of which rules get applied to an element. However, this does not always suffice. For instance, you may assume that if you use more than 10 classes (weight >= 100) to target an element, the property values will override that of one ID selector. But this is not true. As long as the selector with more than 10 classes have no ID selector, the one ID selector will always take precedence over it.

  2. Applying !important to property value of any selector makes it the value that will be applied to the element. This happens regardless of the rank of the selector on the Specificity hierarchy. Let's use an example to understand this.

<p class="blue" id="paragraph" style="color: green"> This is a paragraph </p>

If the following styles are applied

p {
    color: red !important;
.blue {
    color: blue;

#paragraph {
    color: purple;

The value of the element selector p will be used because of the !important attached to the value. However, if another selector has the !important tag attached to the same property, the value of the later selector is used.

That's why !important should be avoided because it makes it difficult override a style.

  1. Generally, to style a specific element, it is more advisable to use a class. This makes it easier to override the styles if you ever need to do so.


From this article, we can see that CSS specificity is an important topic to understand because it can save you hours of debugging. With this knowledge, you can easily find out why your styles are not being applied. Here are the major points to take out of this article:

  1. Due to the cascading nature of CSS, if two rules are applied to the same element, the one that comes last is the one that will be used.

  2. CSS specificity is a set of rules that determine which style is applied to an element.

  3. The weight system is one way of calculating the specificity of different selectors. Here's a summary of the weight:

Inline Styles                               - 1000
ID selectors                                -  100
Classes, Attributes and Pseudo-classes      -   10
Elements and Pseudo-elements                -    1 
  1. !important overrides all other styles regardless of the specificity of the selector where it is used.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article.

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